Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I've been to two weddings in Taiwan. A few things about Taiwanese weddings:

At the last one I went to, they served chicken testicles. Really. I didn't even know chickens had testicles. And apparently they're supposed to make you virile or something because my co-teacher was chewin on one when he turned to me and said, "my wife likes it when I eat these. Do you know what I mean?" His wife was sitting right next to him at the time, so i was just like, "yea...I know what you mean." They also told me how in China they eat tiger penis, which is supposed to make you more "manly." Luckily for me, I could not possibly be any manlier so I dont gotta worry about it. I gained a whole new appreciation for keeping Kosher, though.

One custom they have at weddings that I really like is that the bride and groom go around and have a toast with every table. I'ma try to do that at my wedding. Its a nice way to schmooze/show respect to your guests and get smashed at the same time.

The second wedding was actually really cool cuz it was my aunt Cecilia's brother. My aunt is from Taiwan, so it was sorta strange to meet family for the first time. To the groom I was like, "nice to meet you. And congratulations on getting married!" But they were incredibly gracious to me, seated me at an "important" table and arranged for me to eat vegetarian food.

The only thing that I kinda dislike is the lack of dancing at Taiwanese weddings. There wasn't even a DJ. There were, fortunately, many beautiful Taiwanese women. But I couldn't dance with any of them! And I know they woulda felt my style, too. It was kinda like that Twilight Zone episode where the guy just wants to be alone in a room reading books all day and then he dies and goes to heaven and heaven is a library but then he breaks his glasses. Or 10,00 spoons and all you need is a knife. Or something like that.

My uncle and his wife, me and my friend Kelly:


Unknown said...

I think that Tox looks very handsome in the picture. And I miss him very much.

Tox said...

right back at you. thanks for checkin it

Unknown said...

i was wondering if you were keepin kosher out there...that's also very impressive haha. u don't feel like you're missing out on any of the fun foods?

Tox said...

nah most of the fun foods seem kinda gross, is my Western opinion. but theres like 8 vegetarian restaurants within 5 min of my house so its not even an issue. There are also "all you can eat" vegetarian buffets for the equivalent of less than 3 U.S. dollars.