Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween in Taiwan

SO they don't really do Halloween here, but since they got an American (me) they wanted to try it out. As you can see, they got really into it and did a really good job. I wrote my own ghost story that I told the kids (it was pretty good, if I do say so myself) and we had a costume contest. And then the kids trick-or-treated around the school at the different classrooms, since if they knocked on their neighbors door dressed like a ghoul or wtvr who knows what would happen.
That reminds me of this time I was goin to my friend Jesse's house and I'd only been there a few times so I knocked on the door and no one answered so I just walked in and it totally was not his house and there was this elderly Indian woman sitting there watching TV and there I was with like my hood up and a bubble coat on walking in her front door. She didn't speak any English, so I tried to explain but just slowly started backing out the door and then she called her husband and HE came down and I just kept repeating how sorry I was and luckily he spoke Enlgish and he was like, "it's aight, it's aight," and it made me realize how lucky I am to live in an area where gun ownership isn't commonplace. But I digress.


Young Hebrew Brother said...

Viking bar mitzvah, spooky scary.

ID said...

Funniest quote from the blog so far: "And then the kids trick-or-treated around the school at the different classrooms, since if they knocked on their neighbors door dressed like a ghoul or wtvr who knows what would happen." I was laughing for a good few minutes after that. Love the blog man. Glad you took my advice and broke that killa camera out. Keep livin hard out there.
