Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Postal Museum field trip

title is self-explanatory

This is with Ron Yuan middle school, the smaller, more rural of the 2 I teach at. It' a lot diff experience than my other school, and I love it. The RY students are incredbily kind and warm, and sometimes I join their PE class and we play baseball together. BTW, a postal museum is not as boring as it sounds. The musuem is in Taipei, so already we goin to the big city. And my kids were really interested when I told them how in America you can just put the letter in a box outside your house and someone will come and pick it up.
It was cool to be with them outside of school. They got to let loose a little bit, and I got to see their fashion senses (usually they're in their school uniforms). And we watched this Chinese action movie on the bus about this woman who's kidnapped buts shes alble to find a phone and talk to one random guy who has to figure out how to save this woman he's never met. and u know I sat in the back of the bus with the cool kids

pics of me and some of my favorite students (which is all of them)
FYI, these are from January. its a lot warmer here now.

headin out in Taipei
I dont remember how to say "Mickey Mouse" in Chinese
my co-teacher, Yu-Ting and some students. Sara's in the middle, shes in my advanced English class, got a good sense of humor
can you find Teacher Brett?
me and Gary. best basketball player at Ron Yuan MS. he makes me work a lil bit, haha
me and Joe. "hello Teacher Brett!" good kid
Teacher Brett w/gangsta posse
Yu-ting and Stephanie
getting ready to go, the Principal giving us a pep talk


Unknown said...

hmm random but it seems like there is a lot more squatting that goes on there than here. (in this post and the one before.) here there's a lot more indian style sitting or some sort of sitting where your butt is on the ground. maybe it has to do with us being lazy... hahaha

Tox said...

ohh man im so glad u brought that up Trice. You may not know this, but I actuually can't squat. When I get into that position, my heels are not toughing the grouns, putting much more stress on my knees. I actually think a lot of American dudes cant squat thats been my thing since I got here, pointing that out to the other Americans and telling the Taiwanese about it. They're always so surprised, as if im telling them Americans cant clap or something, bcuz to them it is incredibly natural they dont even think abou it. Im working on it tho :)