Thursday, February 12, 2009 was Thailand?

It was amazing. Thank you for asking. I mean, it was truly Fabolous (like the rapper). I had like two vacations in one. The first 10 days I spent at the beach, drinking shakes made from blended fruit, goin to clubs, watching the sunset ("if you couldn't see the sun risin off the shores of Thailand" as Jigga put it).

The second 10 days were drastically different. I checked in (is that the right phrase?) to a Bhuddhist monestary for a 10-day silent mediation retreat. No talkin for 10 days. Wakin up at 4 AM. Two vegetarian meals a day. I even took off my glasses so I wouldn't be distracted by the hot European girls in yoga pants. But it was really an incredible experience. Wake up before sunrise. I slept on a slab of concrete and what they called a "Bhudda pillow" which is literally a block of wood. Also, sitting for 45 minutes straight is excruciatingly painful. Feel free to try it. I also heard some lectures from Thai monks about death. You know how it is. The long and short is that I learned a lot about myself and reached new levels of mental concentration.

Tip: IF you see a group of Thai prostitutes, cross the street. I had to escape from this one ho who grabbed my shirt as I was walkin by. I took her arm off me but then she grabbed me again so I started running and then she chased me down the street for about a block. Luckily for our hero, I am fast as lightning. And she was in high heels. But another "ladyboy" gave me a ride back to my hotel one night and was very polite so they not all bad.

Maybe pics in a separate post. Stay tuned. It's good to be back, y'all.

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