Sunday, January 11, 2009

The juice guy and the hot springs

Every morning I go and get a glass of freshly made juice from this shop near my house. It is goooood. They put like spinach and pineapple and apples and all kinds of crazy fruits and vegetables in there and just blend it all together. Mad healthy. Anyway, the husband and wife who own it are super nice. When I got sick last week, the dude invited me to go to the hot springs with him because he says, "its good for your body." And its getting cold here now, so I'm like, "perfect."
Now, I've been to hot springs in Taiwan before. I went with my roommates Paige and Mary a month ago. It was cool. There was different colored water, we had to wear showercaps, and they had this pool where small fish ate the dead skin off your feet. I was like, "I got this hot spring thing."
But when I talked to the Juice Guy on the phone I was like, "should I bring my bathing suit?" and he was like, "sure, maybe on the ride back you can change into it." That's when I should've got suspicious.
Anyway, we get to the hot spring. It was different from the other one I went to in one very significant way. I walk in, and immediately there are 50 naked Taiwanese men staring at me. So while the first 2 minutes were kinda uncomfortable, the following two hours were extremely enjoyable. I just took a "when in Rome" outlook to it and relaxed. It was a beautiful night and I talked to some interesting people. And not to flatter myself, but the Taiwanese men seemed very interested in my American body. I'm just sayin.


ID said...


Katie said...

This is my favorite post yet. I especially like your flippant attitude towards "so when I called the juice guy on the phone"...because who doesn't call their neighborhood juice guy up, and go to naked hot springs with him? Sigh. Let's trade lives.

Anonymous said...

it's not the american body, it's the ashkenaz.

ninash11 said...

HAHA classic. this blog is awesome! would love to chat when we have some time!

(yes i'm facebook stalking)