Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Neck, My Back...My Qi

I got a Taiwanese massage. It was the most excruciating continuous 90 minute period of my life, but I liked it. It gave me a whole new awareness of my body. I was literally laughing in pain at several times, like when the elderly Taiwanese man who gave me the massage was dislocating each individual joint in my toes (at least that's what it felt like). I also got a "scraping," where basically they take one of those things they use to clean breadcrumbs off the table at restaurants and run it over your back.
This type of massage is based on ancient Chinese medicine. It focuses on your Qi, the ancient Chinese concept of "energy flow" or "lifeforce." While I was getting my massage, I concentrated on my breathing and tried to relax as much as possible. When I go back again, Ima get an analysis of my Qi.
I predict that my Qi will be deemed "gangsta."
Here is a picture of my back after the massage. You should see the other guy...


Young Hebrew Brother said...

haha at
>> I predict that my Qi will be deemed "gangsta." <<

Try not to come home with a back like Kunta Kinte

Kean Duffey said...

from that picture it looks like your Qi got prison raped

Unknown said...

I showed off your back to my girlfriend who had a similar response to mine...